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Worksheet S-10 & Medicare DSH Update for Hospitals

FFY2020 Worksheet S-10 audits are in the final stages for most hospitals in the nation and we continue to see significant audit findings and extrapolation factors taking place throughout the […]

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Infusions: Will your documentation pass a Targeted Probe and Educate Review?

For years, Blue & Co. has received questions from hospitals regarding coding and billing for infusions, as well as documentation requirements. Infusion coding can be some of the most difficult […]

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Five Steps to Build Successful Growth Strategies

In a post-pandemic environment, providers are more likely to refer patients for procedures, diagnostic testing, and physician visits to non-hospital environments. This presents an opportunity for healthcare leaders to re-exam […]

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Creating a Financial Denial Prevention and Management Plan for Outpatient Therapy

Every hospital department deals with financial denials. Understanding the volumes of those denials for your outpatient therapy department can improve the net revenue of the department. A financial denial is […]

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Five-Star Quality Rating System: Changes Your Nursing Facility Needs to Know

On July 7, 2022 the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the updated Nursing Home Five-Star Quality Rating Technical Users’ Guide with the methodology for the changes to […]

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Period 3 Reporting Now Open: PRF Update

Reporting on Provider Relief Funds for Period 3 opened on July 1, 2022 and runs through September 30, 2022. Period 3 reporting is for any PRF payments you may have […]

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Facility Emergency Department Leveling | Stethoscope laying on top of financial reports | Blue & Co., LLC

Is Your Current Facility Emergency Department Leveling Process Working?

This article was originally published on June 23, 2022 and has been updated in October 2023. Blue & Co. has performed many Emergency Department Leveling Reviews for hospitals. The two […]

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Transparency and Advocacy in Patient Responsibility

How Transparency and Patient Advocacy Can Reduce Your Hospital’s Bad Debt

In 2019 patient medical debt in the U.S. totaled at least $195 billion, according to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit organization focusing on national health issues. […]

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Referral Turn-Around Times in Outpatient Therapy

How Referral Turnaround Times in Outpatient Therapy Impact Your Organization

In a previous blog post, we talked about how poor insurance verification and authorization processes can cause patients to either not come to therapy or to go to a competitor […]

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Proposed Rule FY 2023 for Skilled Nursing Facilities

Proposed Rule FY 2023 for Skilled Nursing Facilities

It is that time of year again! The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued the proposed rule that would update Medicare payment policies and rates for the […]

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Coverage Scheduling Solutions for Physician Practices and Hospital Systems

Scheduling Solutions for Clinician Work-Life Balance

One of the most challenging conversations in any multi-physician practice or specialty-based hospital employed group is about how to create a fair distribution of on-call and/or inpatient hospital service coverage […]

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Ambulatory and Service Line Optimization

Tips for Ambulatory and Service Line Optimization

“There may be no faster death of a great idea or business than a dysfunctional team”, said Daniel Newman from Principal Analyst of Futurum Research and the CEO of Broadsuite […]

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No-Show and Cancellation Reduction Plan

Why You Need a No-Show and Cancellation Reduction Plan

Many outpatient therapy departments think of a no-show and cancellation reduction plan as a discharge plan. For example, if a patient does not show up a certain number of times, […]

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340B Hospitals Affected by COVID-19 Update

Great news for 340B Hospitals affected by COVID-19. On March 15, 2022, President Biden signed into law the $1.5 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Acts, 2022. This bill allows Hospitals that have […]

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Two Midnight Rule

Two Midnight Rule: How to Avoid an OIG Audit

The Two Midnight rule, adopted in October 2013 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, states that more highly reimbursed inpatient payment is appropriate if care is expected to […]

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Wage Index Timeline: Mid-Year Update and Looking into 2025

As we head into the second half of the 2024 calendar year and the start of 2025, there are a few major dates that you need to be aware of […]

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CMS 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Update

Every year the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publishes their annual Final Rule, which contains updates to the Physician Fee Schedule that impact what healthcare organizations are reimbursed […]

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Understanding Duplicate Payments and how to Prevent Them

Duplicate payments happen when a company pays the same invoice or for the same product or service more than once. According to the Association for Financial Professionals, duplicate payments average […]

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Swing Bed Utilization: Optimizing for Hospitals

A well-managed swing bed program is essential to a critical access hospital. This program can improve patient outcomes and provide additional reimbursement opportunities creating a “win-win” for the patient and […]

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Community Health Needs Assessment

Community Health Needs Assessment and Your Strategic Plan

A community health assessment (CHA), also known as community health needs assessment (CHNA), refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues […]

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QuickBooks Practices to Make Tax Season a Breeze

By Theresa Wilson, Accounting Specialist at Blue & Co. As the new year kicks off, so begins another tax season for many businesses. Instead of scrambling to prepare this year, […]

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