Landon Hackett, CPA, MSA
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 317-713-7929
Email: lhackett@blueandco.com
Joined Firm in: 2012
Landon Hackett is a Director with Blue & Co., LLC. His focus is primarily in the reimbursement area with a concentration in Medicare and Medicaid cost reports, Medicaid disproportionate share reimbursement and state and federal healthcare regulation.
His clients include acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, rural health clinics, federally qualified health clinics, and community residential facilities for the developmentally disabled.
Landon has degrees from Indiana University and Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis. He is a member of the AICPA, Indiana CPA Society, along with a number of health care organizations. He resides in Greenwood, Indiana with his wife and two children.